How Empowerment Elevates
Feb 16, 2021
It’s no secret that people are the core of your business. People make what you do, happen.
What would happen if you, as the leader of your people, focused the bulk of your efforts into empowering your people? What if empowering them meant creating even more loyal employees OR what if that meant that they launched out and achieved a greater to them personal purpose!
Empowerment, as defined for the workplace, is based on the idea that providing employees with the resources, authority, opportunity, and motivation to do their work, as well as holding them accountable for their actions, will make employees happier and more proficient in their job.
In an article published by Forbes we found this interesting quote from Ed Evans, Four Seasons Executive Vice President and CHRO. He attributes the company’s success to its employees and culture and said “The same level of care that we extend to our guests applies to our people. By empowering our employees and giving them the tools and trust needed to succeed, they in turn carry our values forward, connecting deeply with our guests and creating the memorable experiences that Four Seasons is known for.”
And we wholeheartedly agree with this view point.
We’ve put together a list of questions to ask about your leadership and employees to help you begin empowering your people today.
- Is there alignment between aspirations and organizational goals?
- Do you have adequate employee autonomy and accountability for decisions being made by corporate, leadership and employees?
- Are you able to recognize any disconnects between leadership and employees?
- Do you have a great understanding of employees’ expectations and the ways they want to be empowered
- How much do you follow the “Slow is Smooth - Smooth is Fast” rule? Meaning - people in the organization are taking action toward a collective goal, testing, learning, and improving as they go.
- Do you have patience for a behavior change to materialize and sustain itself?
- Do you model the behavior expectations that you wish to see in your employees?
- How are your listening skills? Do you Listen intently?
- How are your questioning skills? Do you ask powerful questions? Meaning - you express observation and give room for observation.
- Are you making ATTAINABLE Goals? Or do you allow employees to make their own goals?
- Reward and Celebrate! Yes! Office Parties are still cool! When was the last time you considered celebrating your people, even just for WHO they are, not just for what they did?
We believe practicing empowerment will take your employees to a whole new level! We hope you’ll explore ways to empower your people as part of your engagement practices. For more on employee engagement and work culture tips, enroll in our free leadership course.