How often do you stop to truly listen to the people around you? Everyone wants to be heard. Too often frustration and resentment build within a company because no one feels like they are being listened to. Join Mike Sipple Jr. and Heather Younger as they dive into a conversation about what true listening looks like and how it can impact the culture of your workplace.
Main Points From the Episode:
Create a culture of listening.
The end result of listening is that people are heard, valued, and understood.
Listening is for everyone, leaders and employees alike.
Quotes from the Episode:
The activation part is the thing that happens after you seek, or after you lean in, or after you do the thing that was fully encapsulating and listening.
You build trust via listening, but you have to have trust to get to the truth of your listening.
Are people comfortable enough to openly tell us their whole truth?
It's super important to set expectations right up front. You may not be able to act on any or all of the things, but you do have an intent to do the work.
The act of listening is a tennis match where one person is kind of delivering back and forth, and you're always interacting. It's a two-way street.
Mike Sipple Jr. "People Fusion: Best Practices to Build and Retain a Strong Team" (with contributions from various other authors)
Heather Younger "The Art of Caring Leadership"
Heather Younger "The Art of Active Listening"
Heather Younger "The Seven Intuitive Laws of Employee Loyalty"
Stephen Covey "The Speed of Trust"
Stephen Covey "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"
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Mike Sipple Jr. | LinkedIn | Twitter
Heather Younger | LinkedIn | Twitter
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