Managing Risk in Crisis Mode with Jonathan Theders
This week Mike discusses risk management with Jonathan Theders, CEO of RiskSOURCE Clark-Theders, an independent insurance agency specializing in helping businesses.
Mike and Jonathan discuss the myriad of issues so many businesses and leaders are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some key touch points they discuss in detail are:
Keeping employees safe and compliant as states reopen, or as essential businesses (7:01)
Employee privacy policies and procedures regarding employees who get sick and controlling spread (13:15)
Developing a crisis plan (16:59)
Maintaining culture in a virtual world (19:10)
“Culture is still made up of the thousands of interactions you have each day.” (23:05)
Mike and Jonathan share their best practices for:
Controlling overwhelm (28:30)
Minimizing risk related to worker’s comp (29:55)
Inspiring creative, outside-the-box thought and staying optimistic
“Remain informed but don’t obsess.” (39:19)
Find out which XM station keeps Jonathan upbeat (39:32), and how he and Mike incorporate gratitude into their virtual connections. (40:10)
Finally, Jonathan shares his best guess about how the pandemic will affect the insurance industry. (42:22)
More resources:
RiskSOURCE COVID-19 Resource Page
Talent Magnet Institute Courageous Leadership Webinar
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