How Do You Create Impact When The Task Seems So Big?
Jessica Baron takes to the studio this week to interview one of Cincinnati’s unique leaders who is creating a huge impact here and in Nigeria. Evans Nwankwo is the Founder and President of Megen Construction, and the Founder of Nuway Foundation. In this multifaceted episode full of deep inspiration they discuss:
Evans journey to the United States from Nigeria to attend college
How and why his plans changed drastically
The fascinating story about how Nuway Foundation is making an impact in Nigeria
How they met through Bridges Of Faith
Evans says of his journey, “Sometimes fate determines where you end up in life.”1:20
Hear how he and his wife started Nuway Foundation and why Evans explains what they saw in Nigeria and how they got the courage to create change. (7:43)
“I used to think, there’s all this oil wealth over there, and they can take care of themselves, but I think the big difference is leadership.”
“It seemed so large a task, but we felt like if we could just make a difference in one person, that person can make a difference in others and you have this ripple effect.”
Hear how Evans and his wife created Nuway and intentionally set out to provide 4 things that spells HOPE (8:54)
Next Evans tells the story about The humble beginnings of Megen Construction in his basement (12:50)How he intentionally designed Megen to be a different construction company (14:11)How he landed the the construction of The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center (15:08)
“The thing that makes a difference to me, is how you connect uniquely to each project.” (15:36)
“It’s not just about putting bricks and mortar together. The company that you choose will make this building what it is.” (15:55)
Evans makes his construction projects of schools so unique his company is sought out for these projects. Listen to the unique opportunities he has created for the builders and students to interact. (17:30)
Switching gears, Jessica shares how she met Evans and the organization that brought them together, Bridges Of Faith. Evans shares his continued involvement in the organization. (20:16)
“What you find in life is that we are all really the same, there are very little differences. This particular organization has really opened my eyes to other cultures and other faiths.” (23:02)
#talentmagnetMegen ConstructionNuway FoundationEvans Nwankwo
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